It's hard to develop excellence in volunteer singers.
So Choir Snacks offers bite-sized, 5-minute daily voice lessons to develop vocal mastery.
How it works↴
No credit card required.

We asked our customers, "What do you think of Choir Snacks?" Hundreds responded. Here's what some of them said.
"Choir Snacks created a common language to speak about vocal work. I really really like the way that this is set up - easy to follow short ideas.”
The same sticking points are always there for volunteer singers.
Week after week of the same instructions, but singer skill levels stay the same.
You might have tried to change that by offering 1:1 lessons for every singer. But it’s just not sustainable. There's only one of you!
That’s why Choir Snacks was built: to develop excellence in your singers and eliminate repetitive instruction with world-class training, tiny chunks at a time, while freeing up the director's schedule.

What's inside Choir Snacks?

How it works
Your singers take a 5-minute lesson, once a day @ home
Lessons are snackable and fun, and crafted with evidence-based, tested pedagogy.
Directors hold a 5-minute discussion, once a week @ rehearsal
Group discussions reinforce and encourage your volunteer singers. Talking points are provided.
Singers ask questions directly to the voice teacher, anytime
Your singers aren't left alone: they have 24/7 direct access to messaging with the teacher for reinforcement, clarification, and support.
Directors request trainings tailor-made for their choir
Directors request additional modules to target skill gaps specific to their group. This is included for free in every plan.
Choir Snacks takes 5 minutes of the director's time to implement. That's it.
Why stay stuck...

when there's a better way?

You’re the maestro.
Choir Snacks is the assistant multiplying your impact.
It’s the fusion of your well-directed live rehearsal with private, digital, asynchronous lessons that creates the secret sauce to make Choir Snacks so effective.
Choir Snacks is an assistant that helps you make an asymmetrical impact. A few minutes a week of your own time produces massive results in your singers (that are otherwise only possible with endless 1:1 lessons).
There's a high-cost, high-effort path to excellence.
99% of choral programs can't afford it.

Now there's Choir Snacks.

Choir Snacks is used to
Level up your singers.
Inhale deeply, unify vowel formations, and sing on the breath. That's just the beginning.
Get recruits to say yes.
Singers join choirs where they feel supported and safe to grow. Choir Snacks is your superpower recruiting tool.
Onboard without missing a beat.
Waste no time. Get your new recruits to full speed in just a few weeks.
Build brilliant choirs.
You know just how good your volunteers can be. Realize their potential.
It's for choir directors seeking excellence.
Choir Snacks is produced by Edward Atkinson, a 17-time-award-winning teacher with 3 university degrees, and 20+ years of experience as a choral director and voice teacher.
But lessons aren't stuffy. They're entertaining, to-the-point, and easy to digest. Like any good snack.
Choir Snacks is for choir directors and singers seeking excellence: church choirs, clergy, community choirs, high school and collegiate choirs. If you have volunteers making up 50% or more of your choir, and you are seeking excellence, Choir Snacks is for you.
Here's what directors and singers say:
"It is so, so hard to find quality voice teachers online. Edward does a fantastic job of teaching, and explaining difficult concepts in a simple way."
Nikolai Fredriksen,
“I just finished choir snacks it was absolutely amazing!!! Your gift of clarity was evident and I am so grateful."
Hillel Grossman,
“Whether you are a beginner like me or more advanced vocalist, Edward will get you to the next level.”
Ian Rabensteine,
"As a teacher myself I appreciate how you break things down for people who maybe have never done this kind of thing before. You don't make them feel inadequate or go beyond what they can do in the first few lessons."
Tammy Condon,
“I appreciate your use of biology/psychology to aid in the athletics of singing.
Jacob Viola,
“Everyone is really enjoying Choir Snacks so far. They are loving it.”
Héctor Manuel Salcedo Becerra,
Composer, Organist, and Music Director at St. Malachy Catholic Church
"Choir Snacks created a common language to speak about vocal work. I really really like the way that this is set up - easy to follow short ideas.”
Sr. Peter Joseph, OP,
Marin Catholic,
"I've noticed a fuller sound, and they seem to understand a singer's breath more fully. Getting my singers engaged outside of rehearsal was great, but I loved most doing the videos as a gave me valuable pedagogical material, especially finding the "kickout muscle.”
Elijah McMahon,
Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, Jordan, MN
“Full of easy pedagogical devices that I could incorporate at weekly rehearsal. Try it, they will love it!”
Liam McDonough,
Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church
"As a teacher myself I appreciate how you break things down for people who maybe have never done this kind of thing before. You don't make them feel inadequate or go beyond what they can do in the first few lessons."
Tammy Condon,
“I love the format!”
Alexander Schmidt,
“I love your encouraging attitude and humor! The action tips and demonstrations are very helpful and practical!”
Katelyn Stumler,
Breath support and product support:
We’ve got your back on both.
Director and singer questions are answered promptly and posted as FAQs.
And! Directors can request brand new snacks. Need a module to upskill your choir on diction? Relaxing the larynx? High notes? Just ask.
Why wonder?
Do a risk-free trial run to unlock your choir’s growth.
Explore the demo! Ask questions!
Then sign up, with the knowledge that you've got 14 days to test drive, poke around, and see if you like it.
(Cancel with the click of a link: no need to email or talk to anybody. You're in full control.)
Hi, I'm Edward 👋
When I was a young choral director, I attempted to give 1:1 lessons to as many of my singers as possible. Like you, I wanted the best for my volunteer singers! But it still wasn’t enough to move the needle.
In the end, it’s just math! If there are 35 singers and one director, it’s just not possible to coach them all 1:1, given the million tasks already required of a director.
For 20 years, Choir Snacks is the kind of resource I always wished existed.
I wanted asynchronous training that would eliminate all of my repetitive instruction.
So I built it. It massively boosted skills in my volunteer singers, and saved me hours and hours a week. That allowed me to focus instead on even higher impact work, making me a much more effective choir director and community leader.
Now, I am sharing everything I've built with you.
I hope it will empower your choirs, the way it has mine.
- Edward Atkinson
Edward Atkinson
Voice teacher, choral director, and Choir Snacks founder
Master of Music and Performer Diploma in Vocal Performance from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University
Bachelor of Music in pipe organ studies at the Townsend School of Music at Mercer University
Highest institutional awards and honors for all 3 university degrees
17 awards and first place competition finishes
20+ years directing professional and volunteer choirs
25+ years private voice teaching experience
Studio session singer
Dozens of studio recordings, including this personal favorite from 'Restoration'
Performed dozens of roles in opera, oratorio, and musical theater in the United States, Canada, and Europe
Studied with world famous greats like Virginia Zeani (NYT bio), Patricia Havranek, and Tim Noble
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